Struggling enough to increase your site’s search traffic, get more clients, and acquire more leads, but nothing is helping, then your bounce rate may be too high. 

If this is the case, then you are at the right place. In this blog, we’ve listed a few actionable tips to reduce high bounce rates quickly on landing pages. 

Who are we? Softvira is a Software Development Company with a highly professional and experienced team of writers, developers, and designers trained to meet all the requirements of our customers. 

With years & years of experience in business and comprehensive study, we’ve listed the 10 actionable and useful tips to reduce bounce rate on the landing page.

At the end of this blog, you would get a firm idea of how to turn a high bounce rate into an opportunity for enhancement that will revamp your site to the highest rank.

What is the Bounce Rate?

According to Google, it is a single-page session on your site.

In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.”

In simple words, the Bounce rate is how many people visited your site and decided to leave it without going to the second page. A high bounce rate is a symptom that something is wrong with your strategy – you’re not attracting the right audience or the users coming to your site are not having a good user experience.

Key Factor:

You can calculate it by dividing the number of single-page sessions by the total number of sessions.  

Lower bounce rates are a good sign which shows that you have provided a user with multiple relevant reasons to not only stay on the first page but also move on to the second page.

Bounce Rate Example

10 Useful Tips To Reduce Bounce Rates On Landing Page:

Following are the proven 10 useful ways to reduce your bounce rate on a landing page:

  • Improve your page loading time:

Page load time is one of the main reasons why your bounce rate is high.

Today’s users are impatient. They expect a web page to load in 2 or less than 2 seconds. After 3 seconds, they would no longer wait for your site to load, they would just move on to other sites. Consumers would never want to stay on a page which requires an excessive amount of time to load. According to Google, 53% of consumers will leave sites that require more than three seconds on mobile. 

If your web page is not hitting this target, that means your bounce rate would be terrible. No matter how visual your content is, it is useless if the audience just doesn’t look at it immediately. 

Recently Google has just started using user experience and page speed as ranking factors. The fast web page speed enhances your SEO by improving your user experience, and a better user experience gives you a higher ranking in SERPs. 

You can use tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to check the load time of your web pages. 

Page Loading Speed
  • Upload high-quality visual content:

Content is the most important aspect of your landing page, it can make or break your site’s user experience. 

Producing high-quality and visual content is a great way to grasp users’ attention and capture their interest. Is your content engaging enough that readers want to keep reading it? Is it easy to understand? Does it provide you with the information you’re looking for? These are the features you should make sure your content must possess. 

Improving your content is the most simple and beneficial way to reduce the high bounce rate. Right content increases conversions, and leads, upskills visitors and enhances bounce rate. According to Hubspot, sites that upload blogs with fresh and quality content generate more leads as compared to those that do not.  

Read our Blog: How does content writing help in business growth?

Furthermore, adding infographics, images, and videos to your content is highly shareable, and can increase traffic to your site. 

For this, you can hire Softvira, who are professional in producing high-quality content. 

  • Enhance User Experience:

The most effective way of reducing the high bounce rate is to improve the user experience of your site. For this always make sure that your site is responsive across all devices and carry out an honest appraisal as to the strength of the landing page’s design.

Good web design is instinctive and builds trust with a user.

As mentioned above, nowadays users are impatient and they don’t have time to go through difficult web pages. You should make sure that your landing page has an alluring design, informative content, a clear navigation menu, well organized and responsive layout, and limited ads. 

You can also leverage behavioral analytics tools such as Hotjar or Mouseflow to detect areas of user friction.

User Experience Repot With MS Clarity
  • Use proper keywords:

Add relevant keywords to your content that are appropriate to your topic. 

Content written on your landing page will not draw in users itself, you have to make certain that your content is optimized with relevant keywords. 

Always try to stay on topic, don’t go astray.

Conduct deep research to find out keywords that align with your page’s intent. 

Apart from content, it is also significant to add proper keywords in a web page’s meta description that shows up in actual search results. Since meta descriptions are targeted at search users, make sure that keywords they are looking for are present in the description. Google highlights keywords used in the meta description and drives potential audiences to convert into customers. 

The more you stick to your topic, the more likely visitors will also be on-topic with what they expect to be on that page. This will reduce your high bounce rate.

  • Add internal linking structure:

A modernized and strong internal linking structure is the best way to keep your readers engaging. It enables people to stay longer on your page and pushes them to check more of your web pages which lowers your bounce rate.

Using an effective internal linking strategy helps let users easily navigate to what part of the website they are looking for, and create a better overall user experience. 

However, do keep one thing in mind: just don’t stuff your content with as many links as possible. It just doesn’t look dreadful and ruins readability, but you also have the risk of losing your readers by confusing them and making your site look shady.  

  • Emphasize readability:

When we talk about content, always make sure that readers can read it and scan it. Content on a landing page should be clearly and effectively formatted, providing information to people who are just looking for it and visitors who require more information before they convert. 

You need to make sure that the text is easily readable and clear on every device. It shouldn’t be too small or else users will have to zoom in to read it. If this is the case, users usually skip over crucial content. 

You can use bigger fonts to reduce bounce rate. 

Adding images, video content, or adding bullet points to your content enables users to understand the content in less time and share it with others.

Readabiltiy Improvement
  • Open external links in a new tab or new window:

Opening external links in a new tab or new window is a cleaner design that reduces your bounce rate and provides a better user experience. This is because every time a reader leaves your site, you risk they would never come back and you lose your chance to reach them 

It helps in increasing the time a user spends on a site since they will have multiple pages open once. For example, if you have four links they choose to visit, it means they would have to click the back button four times to return to your landing page that they were initially interested in.

Example of Code to open link in a new tab
  • Add a simple and convincing CTA:

A landing page’s main purpose is to direct readers towards call to action either to make a sale, create deeper engagement with users, or know more about your business. 

While reducing bounce rate, you should try to keep everything simple, including CTAs which don’t confuse readers. 

Make sure CTA is clear and simple to understand so that users can locate it easily within a few seconds after being on the page. 

Additionally, avoid cluttering your landing pages with more than one CTA. Decide on one conclusive decision you want visitors to take, make it very clear and honest. 

Call To Action Example

Along with that, you also need to consider the placement of CTA.

The majority of readers decide whether they like your site within seconds before landing on it, meaning they would just go through the upper part of the landing page. 

  • Target the right audience:

One of the main reasons for having a high bounce rate is that from the start you’re having wrong visitors to your site. Just like relevant keywords and relevant content is significant for a webpage, targeting relevant audiences also plays an important role in reducing the high bounce rate. 

While targeting just make sure it is not too broad because out there multiple users who are not looking for your site features. Refining and focusing on specific groups of users will help to make sure that you are looking for people who are keenly interested in what your site is offering.

  • Avoid unnecessary pop-ups:

According to research, 73% of users found unnecessary pop-ups annoying. 

Pop-ups can be an effective way to enhance your email list and conversions, but sometimes they can disrupt the user experience and cause visitors to bounce from your site. Due to this reason, Google stated that they might penalize the websites that eagerly use disruptive interstitials. 

They are much better ways to show interstitials that would not affect the user’s experience and your site bounce rate. Allowing users to read and enjoy your content first provides a better user experience. 

So if you can use pop-ups that are triggered by the specific user behavior then give it a try.

Popups Example


Increase your conversion rate and visitor engagement by considering the ways to reduce the bounce rate, we’ve mentioned in the above article.  

As mentioned earlier, content is the most important aspect of your site, without high-quality content you might succeed in reducing your bounce rate, but later there would be higher chances of increasing it again. In this situation, you can map out a strong content strategy. 

We make sure the results would be a website that users would enjoy and search engines would like to rank.