While running a company, have you ever felt that you’re not able to run or manage your projects and team the way you want? Or are you facing challenges to accomplish their projects? 

If such problems seem familiar, then maybe it’s the right time to consider an open source project management tool instead. 

In this blog, we’ve listed down the best open-source project management software and how they can be helpful for you in organizing projects and teams efficiently.

Who are we? Softvira is a software development company, offering effective IT solutions to grow your business. Here we share our expertise, outlining industry, and technology trends to help you get better SEO and marketing knowledge with detailed tutorials, and guides.

We’ve researched almost 60+ authentic projects and sites on open-source project management tools to help you uncover the most tested and versatile project management software for your business. 

We all know project management is the toughest and the most significant job of the team. It needs effective strategies in every process, from planning, and implementation to final delivery. 

The process of tracking resources, deliverables, and tasks can often become unmanageable. It requires a lot of concentration and effort from entire team members to produce a quality product in time.

An open-source project management software plays a significant role in changing your company’s work process. It handles and organizes every aspect of your project in each step of its process making it much easier and simpler. 

Before getting into it, first, let’s discuss what project management software is and how it can be beneficial for you? 

What is project management software?

A project management software is designed to help in project planning, scheduling tasks, resource allocation, and enhancing the coordination between the team members. In short, it improves your team’s productivity and makes sure that projects are delivered on time with quality. 

It allows project managers and the whole team to control their quality management, budget, and all documentation exchanged throughout the project. 

Project management software helps you to streamline the overall process. It optimizes each step of the process so that you can deliver quality projects on time. Apart from it, it maintains a solid brand image and improves the bond between the customers, and builds trust between them. 

25 Best Open-source Project Management Software:

The following is the list of 25 best open-source project management software based on user’s ratings and reviews: 

  • FocalBoard:

The FocalBoard serves as an open-source alternative to Trello and Notion. It is open-source and self-hosted project management software. It helps you to organize your work across teams using the Kanban board view including personal development. It has two editions:

  • FocalBoard personal desktop
  • FocalBoard personal server
FocalBoard software
  • Taskcafe:

Taskcafe is an open-source project management tool with Kanban boards. It helps you to manage tasks such as setting up due dates, labels, and checklists through the Kanban board interface. Apart from it, it can also view all your assigned tasks through the My Task View.

This software is still in active development which means many options are not implemented yet.  

Taskcafe software screenshot
  • OpenProject:

Open-project is an efficient, versatile, and open-source project management tool. The best thing about it is that it gives you complete control over your data and storage. It’s a hybrid cloud-based software that works seamlessly on various platforms. 

You’ll have complete access to secure your privacy through a high-standard privacy system and data security. Their Community Edition allows you to create alluring websites for free and give you access to multiple features and plugins along with free support.  

OpenProject - Open Source Software
  • Orangescrum:

Looking for a scalable and secure open-source project management tool – Orangescrum is an agile and effective project management tool. 

It allows you to schedule and visualize your project timeline to increase productivity. It helps you to manage everything strategically so you can generate optimal results and achieve higher efficiency. You can manage multiple projects using Scrum and Kanban project management board and can list your tasks to stay aware of every aspect of your project. 

Furthermore, you can also manage your budget and financial matters by tracking project expenses and resources cost in order to achieve higher profit margins.  

Orangescrum dashboard image
  • Restya:

Restya open-source project management tool used to manage tasks, to-dos, chat e.t.c. It helps us to view the bigger picture of our project. You can see your project budgets, tasks, and plans, from a visual view. 

It offers modernized category Extend Restyaboard and multiple options such as user styles, scripts, integrations, widgets, and more.  

Restya software dashboard image
  • ProjectLibre:

Need a cloud-based tool for solving your management work – ProjectLibre is the best option. It is an open-source alternative for Microsoft projects. 

Network diagrams, Gantt charts, earned value costing, multi-project resource histograms, and work breakdown structures are some of the key features of the platforms. It offers multi-project management options for the team. The key advantage of using it is that it is translated into 29 languages, and you can change language from the drop-down menu.  

ProjectLibre open source software overview
  • ERPNext:

ERPNext is an open-source integrated Enterprise Resource Project software that provides a clear overview of your project deadlines and progress. 

It allows you to organize your tasks, schedule, plans, and examine your projects by collaborating with your team members to speed up your work. You can track information from different sources in one place. 

With ERPNext, SMEs can make informed, timely, fact-based decisions to remain ahead of the competition.  

ERPNext software dashborad shot
  • Taiga:

Upgrade your project within your budget with Taiga. It is an open-source project management software that allows you to collaborate with your team for simplicity and unique features. 

As communication is a crucial point in every aspect of a project, Taiga helps you to communicate with your teammates quickly to share project progress and let your team members view ongoing activities and keep an eye on completed tasks.

Its features include backlog, sprint planning, problem monitoring, and fully customizable Kanban boards. 

Taiga best open source software
  • Wekan:

Wekan is another free project management tool that represents tasks visually. It is an open-source version of the popular web application Trello with a Kanban board. It helps you to increase productivity by freeing time to focus on those aspects that matter most. 

It is used in several countries and is translated into 63 different languages. It occupies a real-time user interface that enables us to manage everything. Along with that, it also supports various platforms.  

Wekan free project management software
  • Twake:

Twake is a secure open source collaboration platform used to enhance organizational productivity. It is an open-source alternative to the Microsoft team.

It offers all the features for collaboration such as file storage, team chat, team calendar, task management, real-time document collaboration, video call, and conferencing. Furthermore, Twake’s data is encrypted and all your files and data are secure. They are securely stored in France. Along with that, you have the authority to decide who can have access to your files. 

Twake open source project management software
  • ZenTao:

Deliver your project as promised with ZenTao– an open-sourced project management software that supports Scrum. Its main features are project management, QA management, product management, document management, bug management, and to-dos management. 

It is a professional Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) software that provides tools to cover the core process of software development.  

ZenTao dahboard image
  • ProjeQtOr:

Get a free, easy, and simple open-source project management tool- ProjeQtOr to organize your projects. 

It is built as a collaborative tool, available in a web mode and so requires a setup of a web server. It is a quality-based project organizer, particularly well suited to IT projects but can also handle all types of projects. It’s a multilingual platform translated into 14 different languages.   

ProjeQtOr open-source project management tool
  • GanttProject:

Another open-source tool that has all similar features and complexity to Microsoft Project. It is a project management application for Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops. 

GanttProject is written in Java and Kotlin language with contributions from hundreds of people all around the world. It provides you a timeline of view of the project, enabling you to track the hours each member puts in. It is free for personal as well as commercial usage. 

Gantt Project open-source tool image
  • Redmine:

Redmine is a flexible, free open-source project management and issue-tracking web application. Written using the Ruby and Rails framework. It allows you to manage multiple projects and associated subprojects. It includes a calendar and Gantt chart to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines. 

It is a simple and user-friendly interface that is cross-platform and cross-database.  

Redmine free open-source project management software
  • Leantime:

Looking for a program that provides both lean and agile project management, then Leantime might be the best choice.

Leantime is an open-source project management tool that perfectly suits small businesses and start-ups. That’s because it supports multiple projects, making it considerable for start-up teams, product managers, and any other organizations that use lean and agile methodologies. With leantime, you can track an overall project from start till finish, through built-in features for tracking achievements and plotting goal dates. 

It is written in PHP and Javascript and uses the MySQL database. 

Leantime agile project management software dashboard screenshot
  • MyCollab:

Mycollab is an open-source project management software with a decent and clean design. It allows you to collaborate with your teammates in real-time. It is a fully-featured collaboration tool designed to serve mid-sized and small businesses. 

As a cloud-based project management software, it offers a rich set of project management and customer relationship management(CRM) features.  

MyCollab - open-source project management software
  • Bitrix24:

An all-in-one platform to manage your team and run sales. Bitrix24 is designed to seamlessly integrate all your business projects. 

It offers workload, file sharing, and storage to enhance collaboration among Agile teams. It is entirely free for unlimited resources and users. With Bitrix24 you can use the built-in Kanban board to visualize tasks and manage and enhance collective brainstorming and collaboration in real-time. It provides you with Gantt charts, time management, layered task options, time tracking, and resource workload planning.  

Bitrix24 business project management software
  • GitLab:

GitLab is a web-based GIT repository that offers free and open repositories, issue-following capabilities, and Wikis. It is a DevOps platform that helps software delivery teams make their projects more efficient and reduce development costs.

With GitLab, your team can use milestones to track and manage project progress and maintain visibility for multiple projects. Furthermore, you can brand out projects to run multiple test software tools and track issues.  

GitLab web-based GIT repository free
  • Tuleap:

Tuleap is a free and open-source management tool that assists with software application lifecycle management. It helps in managing projects using Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban

Tuleap offers tools to manage projects, changes, tasks, defects, and documents as well as social collaboration, continuous integration, and version control. It allows you to organize your project backlog and provide your team with a centralized view of all logged-in client requests.  

Tuleap free and open-source management tool
  • Odoo:

Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps that covers all your company requirements. It is a fully customized program that offers a range of business applications including CRM, project management, invoicing, sales, and accounting.  

It offers chat, phone, and email support. It is web-based software and has desktop and mobile applications. The enterprise version has proprietary extra features and services. 

Odoo open-source business apps
  • TaskJuggler:

TaskJuggler is GPL-licensed project management software that works under Linux and Unix operating systems. It covers the overall spectrum of project management tasks from the first idea till the completion of the project.  

The built-in resourcer and consistency checker prevents you from worrying about irrelevant details and alerts you when a project gets out of hand. It allows you to create task lists, resource usage tables, status reports, project calendars, and more. Its flexibility allows you to plan your project as you want to make it more ideal for new management strategies. 

It is written in Ruby Programming Language.  

TaskJuggler GPL-licensed project management software
  • Web2Project:

Web2project web-based, multi-lingual, multi-user project management application. It is an open-source program based on an AMP stack which means it is built to run on MySQL, PHP, and Apache. 

It allows real-time collaboration task assignees and updates for participants.  

Web2Project multi-user project management application
  • Wrike:

Wrike is a digital work project management tool that lets users track and coordinate projects, merging a simple user experience and interface with enough features for power users. 

It offers task management and provides extended storage options through integrations. This software is designed to provide more in detail functionality than task management tools like Trello while remaining available for a wide range of users as compared to more efficient project portfolio management tools.  

Wrike digital work project management tool
  • MeisterTask:

Get the most intuitive collaboration and task management tool- MeisterTask to manage project dashboards, collaborate with team members, and work together in real-time. 

With MeisterTask you can have an overview of all the projects and notifications, As it offers a customized project dashboard that allows us to create project sections according to our needs. Users can create unlimited projects and invite others through email to work together. It offers integration options such as Github, Zendesk, Google Drive, and Dropbox.  

MeisterTask collaboration and task management tool screenshot
  • Freedcamp:

Freedcamp is a free online project management tool. It allows users to use a single collaborative tool to manage all their tasks.It is designed to assist businesses in creating customizable widgets, collaborate with team members in projects, and plan, organize and handle tasks of projects on a unified platform. 

With Freedcamp, users can store files, contacts, and leads in a centralized repository, and view multiple versions of documents, track issues, and split bigger tasks into subtasks  according to organizational requirements.  

Freedcamp free online project management tool

To Conclude:

A good project management tool is an effective way to structure your work, collaborate with your team, identify bugs, and generate successful results in projects.

I hope this simple and easy-to-use project management software listing will help you to achieve all these benefits and complete your project successfully.

As we’ve listed these 25 best project management software based on user reviews and experience, but according to my personal experience OpenProject, GanttProject, Taiga, and Restya are the most efficient and user-friendly software up till now.