You’ve just started your business and you already have a compelling website but you don’t know how to update it with engaging and informational blogs? or multiple blogging ideas are popping in your mind but you don’t know how to get them down on paper? 

If these are the situations, then relax!

Because in this piece of writing we’ve covered the top 14 golden blog writing rules that will help you to write top-notch high-quality blogs for your businesses. 

Who are we? As one of the leading software development companies, Softvira is pleased to share knowledgeable and authentic insights based on years of experience that will help your businesses to run successfully. 

No doubt that Content is the backbone of your website.

No matter how compelling your website is, without good content, it is nothing but a useless attempt. 

This is what blogs are about. Blogging allows you to showcase information regarding your businesses or services, enabling you to share your thoughts and opinions on relevant topics. It gives your company a voice and provides a more credible approach. The more authentic and relevant information you upload the more credible and trustworthy you become in the eye of the audience. Apart from that, it also generates traffic at your site and helps convert that traffic into sales. 

There are several other benefits of blog writing. To make the most of them you must follow the following rules while writing a blog:

  • Stick to the topic:

It is one of the most important and basic rules while writing content.

Always remember that when a reader lands on your blog the first thing he does is look for the information that you promised to deliver in the topic. They scan through your content and if they don’t find information related to the topic they just leave your page without reading further. Which can increase your bounce rate.

So while writing make sure you don’t beat around the bush and stick to the right topic.

Must Read: 10 actionable tips to reduce your bounce rate on landing page quickly.

  • Write it in your own voice:

While writing, always ensure that you have a voice. One of the most important parts of blogging is that you prefer to write it by yourself instead of using any technical help. The audience would prefer to read the content written by humans, not by robots.  

Find your voice, be yourself, and use a natural tone while writing, in this way you’ll engage readers for a long period and connect with them in a better way.

Write in your own voice
  • Add relevant and authentic content:

Before writing, always research well on the topic so that you can add real and authentic information. Try to create the original content, add all interesting facts, and support it with valuable ideas that relate to your audience. This will increase your engagement, and enable readers to share your content with others. 

Adding false and irrelevant information can mislead the readers and leave a negative impact on them.

Add relevant and authentic content
  • Use high-quality images:

Images are an important aspect of your content. They attract the reader’s attention, arouse emotions, and are memorable. 

Readers usually get bored of reading the walls of text. Adding images to your text gains readers’ interest and enables them to stay much longer on your page. Having visual aspects in your content increase engagement and more engagement leads to more sales. 

According to research, 60% of people prefer to click on a business that has images showing up as compared to those that do not.

Use high-quality images

Key Factor:

Make sure you add high-quality beautiful stock images. 

  • Educate and Engage readers:

Your blog serves as the platform to communicate with your audience and make connections. So try to use your blogs to entertain and educate them. Write content in a way that you’re directly speaking to your target audience, and address them what they’re looking for.

In this way, you would become the source of bringing relevant information to them and they would more likely prefer to come back to you again and again and engage with you more.

  • Add linking:

After images, linking is another important aspect of your blogs. 

Adding links to your other blogs, internal articles, or external referral partners would help you to expand your network and make you look trustworthy in the eye of the audience. Apart from it, it enhances the value of your content and makes it easier for readers to jump from one page to another to gain more knowledge. 

Here’ s the perfect example of content with appropriate external and internal linking. 

Add linking
  • Always add CTA in the end:

No matter how good your content is but without a CTA it will lead you nowhere. 

Adding a CTA button or link at the end of your blog motivates readers to take a suitable action that can be beneficial for you and your reader both. It would enhance your leads, increase sign-ups, and expand your audience. 

Just make sure your CTA delivers a clear message and is designed according to the nature of your content. 

  • Avoid walls of text:

It’s no secret that content is the backbone of your web page, but content without presentation is nothing just walls of text.

When a reader lands on your page and sees nothing but long paragraphs of content with no presentation they easily get frustrated and leave your page. Presenting your content in the form of bullet points, short paragraphs, and subheadings makes it easier and quicker for readers to understand and consume information.

Avoid walls of text

This is how you should display your content.

Breaking up text into shorter paragraphs, bullet points, images and lists is easy to remember as compared to those long chunky paragraphs composed line after line.

  • Keep it updated:

Always try to keep updated your content from time to time especially when your blogs include statistics, analytics, or research. This will help you to build a better relationship between you and your reader. The audience would rely on your site to gain useful information and prefer to come back again. 


  • Give it a catchy and interesting title:

Your title is the first thing a reader notices before landing on your page so try to make it a good one. Always choose a catchy and trendy topic because the more catchy and interesting your topic will be, the more the audience will get attracted to your blog.  

catchy and interesting title
  • Provide solution-oriented information:

Do remember that blogs are not always for making business or putting transactions on your audience. Content including solution-oriented information, solving problems, and providing opinions are the ones that engage the audience more. 

Look what are the issues your target demographics have, find their appropriate solution, and answer them, not always use blogs for your sales purpose. 

  • Include descriptive subheadings.

Subheaders represent the key concepts and support ideas in your content. 

Make your sub-headings more descriptive and clear so that you can easily guide the readers from one subhead to the next and help them distinguish the main part from the rest of the content. Along with that, you can also enable them to stop and read the whole section by making your headings interesting. 

Provide solution-oriented information
  • Build high credibility score:

Your goal is to present yourself as a professional, gain readers’ trust and convert them to make a purchase. You can do this by using professional and technical language, adding vivid details, and using statistics, diagrams, and process descriptions to support your content.

The more professional you look the more it helps to build credibility among you and your audience.

  • Don’t forget to proofread:

It is the last and most important step of writing a blog. Content filled with punctuation mistakes, spelling errors, and white spaces makes you look amateur and leaves a negative impact on readers. 

So before uploading content on your site make sure you get it to proofread multiple times from multiple different people. In this way, if there are any of the mistakes missed by chance, will get noticed by others while proofreading. 

According to my personal experience, Grammarly is the best platform to look out for these errors.

Don’t forget to proofread

Start blogging from today! 

At first, blogging might seem difficult but trust me time and lots of practice would make you a professional blogger. 

We’ve shared all the main points which helped us a lot throughout the process and We hope considering them would also make you a blogging expert.

And still, if you think you’re not ready to write a blog yet, you can hire our professional blog writing services for your site. We’re always here to help you.