If you’re looking to enhance your conversion on Google Ads but don’t know where to start. 

Don’t worry!

You’re at the right place.

There are multiple aspects of running your ad campaigns successfully but in this blog, we’ve covered the first and the most important step of your strategy which is identifying and finding the best keywords to target for Google ads. 

Who are we? Softvira is a well-known software development agency serving the best user experience across the globe for years, and are pleased to share knowledgeable insights based on extensive research and experience. 

Continue reading to know about Google ads keywords best practices to boost efficiency.

Keywords help you to show your ads to relevant audiences. 

Shortlisting the best keywords and targeting them correctly helps you to improve your ad campaigns. Relevant keywords allow you to attract more potential clients to your page, increase click-through rates, spend less money and waste less time as compared to poor keywords which have higher prices and lower ad positions. 

Make sure you select high-quality and relevant keywords for your ads so that you can easily reach out to more interested people who are more likely to make a purchase.

Here are the best practices to find and target the best keywords that are more relevant to your businesses, services, or products. 

  • Put yourself in the customer’s shoes:

Think just like your customers. If you’ll be at their place and looking for specific products or services, what would be the keywords you would type into Google? Working in this way will allow you to target the keywords which are relevant and are mostly searched by the audience. 

Targeting these keywords will attract more potential buyers to your page rather than those who are just browsing different websites or pages.

  • Group and organize keywords in Ad groups:

Another best practice is to group keywords in different ad groups to make sure you can create relevant ads to those keywords and drive people to very targeted landing pages.

Source: How to group your keywords in google ads – Word stream Just target keywords together based on the types of landing pages where you’re gonna be sending traffic. Just make sure, people will land on the best possible landing page and your ad matches the actual keyword they’re searching for.
  • Use Google keyword planner:

This keyword planner helps you to generate new keyword ideas to create a great list of keywords for your campaigns. It is one of the most effective Google ad practices for keyword research.  It enables you to filter the best words or phrases your potential customers and visitors would be searching to look for your website. These keywords would be relevant to your business and align with your marketing goals.
  • Stay more specific and targeted:

Don’t target keywords that are way too general. These keywords don’t give enough idea about what people are looking for in your products and services to search on. In this way, it won’t attract people that are interested in your offering, cost you much, plus it will affect your business negatively. 

Try to target long phrase keywords because they are more specific and have higher conversion value as compared to short keywords. You can also use target exact match and phrase match keywords to keep your campaign narrow and more specific. 


  • Location targeting:

Google ads location targeting helps your ad to appear in front of relevant people in that specific geographic location that you’ve chosen. It could be within a country, area, location group, or a radius around a location. 

Just make sure your location targeting reflects where your business and potential customers are. In this way, your ad will display precisely only in relevant locations in front of relevant audiences.

  • Build negative keywords lists:

Do remember that all keywords are not good for your ad campaigns, sometimes few keywords can get vague. So before listing your targeted keywords, make sure you first shortlisted the negative keywords for which you don’t want to display your ads. 

This will prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant and unwanted searches. For example, “farmhouse chairs” is the keyword you’re targeting, but “inexpensive farmhouse chairs” is the keyword you don’t want to display your ads for. So for that, you can add the word “inexpensive” or some other synonyms such as “cheap” into your negative keywords lists so that your ads no longer appear for these keywords.

Source: Guide to build a negative keyword list- Wordstream

While listing negative keywords you can use Google’s three negative keywords match type: phrase match, exact match, and broad match negative keywords. 

To conclude:

Keeping track of the above mentioned keyword practices would help you to enhance your conversion rate, increase your search volume, and improve your ad campaign progress. Just make sure you review your keywords and keep setting apart those who are not driving higher conversions relative to cost. 

Keep an eye on your customers to check out what keywords they are searching for so that you can easily target audience-centric and specific keywords. 

If you want to see your campaigns running successfully and receive positive ROI you can hire Softvira ads management services. We’re pleased to help you grow your business.