Guaranteed SEO Services: Reasons to avoid them

It is tough to choose an authentic and reliable SEO agency. The current market is immersed with several SEO companies promising to take your business to a higher level. There are such countless choices and they all offer various reasons you ought to pick them.

This sounds great and feasible on the paper to get ranked on. 

However, the fact of the matter is no SEO firm ought to make such a claim because if you truly consider that if there is such a thing as “Guaranteed SEO” which means conveying incredible outcomes to your site, then certainly every entrepreneur would take advantage of it to rank higher on search engine and then there wouldn’t be such competition or competitors among websites.

What are guaranteed SEO services?

Guaranteed SEO services are the services that are offered with the assurance of fixed results.

In simple words, when a company promises you that your website will rank high on SERP or will have multiple hits and positions on Google for certain keywords in a specific or given time frame, meaning they are offering you guaranteed SEO results.

Guaranteed SEO is nothing but a false or empty promise made by fraud SEO agencies. Hiring these companies is a major risk as they end up generating lackluster results and considerable damage to your ranking and business.

All you have to do is just stay away from them. Let me tell you why.

Reasons to avoid fast result schemes in SEO!

There are several compelling reasons you must stay away from guaranteed SEO, some are discussed below:

1. Search engines warn against guaranteed SEO: 

One of the essential reasons to keep away from such guarantees is because Google, the search engine itself, caution individuals against working with such companies. 

Most individuals don’t read Google’s guidelines. There are several queries linked with SEO and guarantees, in which it is written regarding Guaranteed SEO.

Which one of those states “Nobody can guarantee a #1 positioning on Google” means there is no exemption, no one should be claiming first page rankings.

Apart from it, In Google’s Beginner SEO documentation in Google search Central, Google states, “Your prospective SEO should be able to give you realistic estimates of improvement, and an estimate of the work involved. If they guarantee you that their changes will give you first place in search results, find someone else

You ought to know that some SEO agencies will promise you first-page ranking and guarantee that they have an exceptional relationship with google or promote a “priority submit” to Google. But there is no priority submit for Google that means it is completely a fraud.

2. You cannot guarantee something that’s beyond your control:

 Search engine optimization organizations that are dealing with further development of your marketing results will have control over your site, your content, and your social media pages. They don’t have command over the search. They can only practice marketing methods to influence search engines for top ranking. The search engines are exclusively liable for their ranking systems. 

No one outside Google knows precisely what goes behind various calculations. The ranking is generated based on Google’s search algorithms, enforced by search engines to each website. But the truth is that these algorithms can change overnight and make your present SEO strategies ineffective as Google endeavors to develop the user experience.

We cannot say that SEO agencies cannot affect ranking. Some expert SEO agencies know the accurate methods and practices to develop and implement organic search strategies. But even the expert SEO agencies don’t know how to control or manipulate search algorithms.  So in this manner, making large claims about things that are not really in charge of the company is certainly not worth paying attention to.

3. SEO is a long term strategy:

 SEO companies that offer guaranteed SEO also offer fast results. But SEO is a perplexing and lengthy process that requires time. In some cases, SEO procedures need to go through weeks before results begin to stream in. It can also require months before any traffic starts to come in. 

Most SEO organizations that proposed quick service guaranteed SEO is unrealistic and just not possible. Regardless of what device or experience an organization uses or how moral their strategy is, they can’t procure results in the short term. No matter what, you cannot see results overnight.

The best SEO agencies always require a vast amount of time to generate results. As mentioned above sometimes SEO strategies go through the process of about weeks or months before traffic starts to come in. 

You can know more about it in our recent blog. Why SEO is slow? 

4. Guaranteed SEO involve black hat tactics:

Black hat strategies are denounced by Google, often used by companies that assure to generate a fast outcome. Black hat SEO includes utilizing strategies that Google and other search engine tools peer down on. These strategies are planned to deceive Google’s calculations instead of ranking truly.

An organization that offers guaranteed SEO and speedy outcomes has a solid incentive to utilize black hat tactics to fulfill their promises that can fundamentally harm your brand as well as your potential inbound marketing achievement.  

That’s why search engines ensure that every business ranks fairly and each user has a pleasant search experience. That’s why they don’t give space to those who use belligerent SEO tactics such as keyword stuffing, invisible texts, and doorway pages. It is against their guidelines and leads to several penalties.

SEO is a drawn-out procedure, and you normally can’t accomplish significant changes in rankings immediately.

5. Rankings aren’t good metrics for overall performance:

Only rankings are not to the point of getting a tangible advantage from SEO. You want to focus on the right keyword and get guests to your site who fit your interest group and are probably going to change over. Traffic that is not relevant to your website can end up hurting your SEO strategies.

Even if your site ranks on top for specific keywords or expressions, you probably won’t acquire any traffic. When you launch an SEO campaign, it should be measured by the quantity of traffic generated by a search engine plus considering quality of traffic should also be a significant part of your KPI appraisal

SEO companies know that keyword ranking is the best metric to predict whether an SEO campaign is performing or not. However, the fact is it’s not just about providing traffic to the website but also the quality of traffic.

An SEO organization that claims guaranteed SEO shouldn’t make explicit promises around keywords rankings because the research results are not static.

6. Guaranteed Ranking may provide little benefit:

Several companies offer guaranteed SEO services, often have some tough conditions which enable them to deliver on their guarantees, although their SEO services don’t help us a little to achieve our business goals.

For example, many companies insist that they would choose keywords themselves, it is because they choose those keywords that are easy to rank. However, these keywords are not beneficial for our business because they don’t generate qualified traffic to our website.  

Ranking alone is not only the aspect of SEO that brings tangible benefits to your business. Targeting the right keywords and getting visitors to the website fitting your target audience is more likely to convert.

Apart from it, some fraud companies also use techniques to avoid loss of money even if they are not able to deliver on their guarantees. They said that they’ll work for free if they don’t get on their guarantee. And in case they fail to achieve expected results, they can still keep your initial investment. As long as they’re working for free and are not likely to keep you as a client, they put little or no effort at all into your SEO. 


The most ideal way to finish up is that a good SEO firm could never guarantee you that your site will rank high, nor will they give you unreasonable assumptions. Before you hire a company, you should take time to check on them thoroughly.

We cannot say that SEO organizations can’t impact ranking as there are several SEO services out there, but not even all that SEOs can control SERPs voluntarily, particularly inside the short time span numerous SEO ensures guarantees.