Managing multiple social media accounts for business every single day, isn’t it exhausting? Running a business as an in-charge of social media, you always stay on the top to look for new opportunities and ideas which assist you to get the most out of your social media marketing strategies.

If we look around us, every social media manager running small business-juggling multiple accounts, or a professional social media manager for a large corporation, they’ll be jumping between several tools and methodologies which seems quite frustrating.  

As a matter of fact, it is common for them to perform multitasking to the whole next level to manage multiple accounts for multiple platforms. It requires a strategy to understand in depth the company, and its target audience, and to create engaging consistent content. Learning the best practices to manage a company’s social media accounts will help you to build a well-established brand. 

That’s why in this article we’ve listed the steps and tips so that you can make sure you’re running the accounts effectively.

Why is social media management important?

The business potential of social networks is vast. According to research from Mainstreethost, social networks are the second most popular way to research brands.

Social media Platform Data

Brands can take advantage of social platforms to drive their objectives efficiently across marketing funnels, from enhancing brand awareness to increasing customer visits. To accomplish this you need an effective social media management team.

Social media management is a growing trend among businesses that improve results exceptionally. It helps organizations to take advantage of the increasing popularity of social media by building and overseeing marketing campaigns, engagement, and branding. 

Effective Social media management strategies help companies to monitor their social presence and reputation. That’s because social media management tools give you a great deal of information that helps gain more followers, become relevant to them, and eventually grow your business on social media.

How to manage social media accounts for a company?


1. Create your social media strategy:

When several people work on multiple accounts, it’s become difficult for them to stay on brand. For this, it is important to understand your brand and create a social media strategy, including instructions, style guidelines, plans, and procedures so that everyone can easily follow the same strategy. 

Social media strategy is a summary of what you plan to do and what you hope to achieve on social media. The more you stay concise and specific to your plans, the more effective they will be. As mentioned before every platform has different goals, having an effective social media strategy would define the roles and responsibilities of all team members and assist them to stick to the brand’s message.

Social Media Strategy

2. Create quality content:

Uploading content and announcements constantly are always good for your business, but adding content with incorrect and irrelevant information will make your business suffer. While uploading we always make sure that content should be good enough to be re-tweeted or re-shared across multiple social media platforms. 

Our target audience is more likely to engage with reliable, relatable, and creative content that educates and entertains them. We should prefer to make content that designs especially for each platform and stays for long, not just trend for days and disappear. Think about this in another way, if someone posts an irrelevant post without citing sources and shares it on social media-would you get to interact with it?

3. Social media metrics analytics:

Analyzing social media metrics is one of the most important steps to determine how successful your social media usage is going. By utilizing it you can review your key performance metrics such as engagement rate, publishing frequency, top-performed posts, follower growth, demographics, conversions, average response rate, and time.

Twitter Performance Dashboard

Implementing your strategy and using data-driven marketing will help you to know the results that everything is on spot, and determine the areas that need improvements to deliver optimum results. 

4. Choosing the right social media platform:

It is another critical step in managing social media accounts. While making accounts on social media it’s important for you to make sure you’re choosing the right platform according to your brand. Don’t make the mistake of choosing multiple accounts because every company has a limited amount of resources so while using it think wisely to achieve the benefit of your social media.

Audiences are an important aspect of your social media presence. If your results aren’t up to your expectations and it seems like your audience is somewhere on another platform, you should immediately consider shifting your resources to that platform. In some cases, it turns out that some platforms don’t suit your brand. In this situation take your time to understand the efforts it will return you the results you need.

Choose the Right social media Platform

5. Engage with your audience:

Building relationships with your audience is a significant part of gaining and keeping your social media following. Companies that provide a great customer experience by responding to comments quickly, answering customer questions, and mentioning tags and DMs. helps in increasing revenue. In fact, 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are more likely to refer the brand to friends and families.

Brand engaging with their audience on twitter

Now it has become a lot easier, you can manage all your audience engagement from one single dashboard instead of jumping through several different platforms. In addition, using social listening and social media management tools for the management of your account ensures you do not miss any key opportunity to engage with your audience or any important comment or DM.

Must check out: Importance of social media in business communication

Social Media management tools:

There are multiple social media management tools available to help. These tools make your job easier by presenting you with a single and combined platform for all accounts. 

Here are some of our best social management tools that can be helpful for your social media efforts:

  • Buffer is an instinctive and well-rounded social media management tool that helps to drive significant engagement and results on social media. 
  • Hootsuite is the first and probably biggest, well-known, and reputable social media marketing tool since 2008, used by over 15 million people.
  • Sprout Social is known for monitoring, scheduling posts, reporting, and team management. It is an easy yet user-friendly platform that offers the basics that you’ve expected plus customized features as per the request. 
  • AgoraPulse social media marketing tool is an all-in-one platform containing all main features of reporting, scheduling, monitoring, analytics, team collaboration, and responding.  
  • Hubspot combines all your marketing efforts into a single platform so you can easily measure your social ROI and compare your results across all marketing channels.  

The Takeaway:

We’re living in a state-of-the-art society with all types of intelligent retrievals in control of technology innovations. So is the same in the world of social media management. 

Managing multiple social media accounts is a continuous work in progress like PPC. If you do not have the right tool and processes then it might seem challenging and tough. Following the steps discussed above along with social media marketing tools and solutions will help you to reach your business goals and run your social media accounts more expeditiously.