Keywords are the foundation of SEO. If no one searches for what you’re writing about, you won’t get any traffic to your site no matter how best strategies you use.

Keyword Research is all about bringing the right visitors to your site by targeting the appropriate keyword terms.

Softvira keyword research services drive real business through keyword research strategies rooted in analytics and data to get your site visibility on search engines.

What is KW research?

Keyword research is the process of understanding the language your target customer uses to find certain products, services, or solutions. Effective keyword research helps to uncover the queries to target, the popularity of these queries, their ranking and so much more. 

It involves comparing, analyzing, and prioritizing the best keyword opportunities for your site. 

Key Factor:

To find the best keyword for your site you must read your customer’s mind and explore keywords customers usually use to find any information online. 


Some Keyword research methods:

The best way to get a good range and variations in your keywords is to consider different ways to find the right keyword. 

  • 1) Competitor Keywords:

While looking for the right keywords, considering your competitors can be a great source of inspiration. It not only helps us to know what keywords they’re using for ranking and what we’re not, but we can also know the gaps in their keyword strategies.

We carry out a comprehensive study on your competitors to know what they’re ranking for, what their position is, and so on. 

  • 2) Long-tail keywords:

Long-tail keywords are usually longer phrases with low search volume, but also a much lower difficulty. They are a lot more specific, easier to find, and target the ones that perfectly match your user intent.

Long-tail keywords are particularly useful for content marketing strategies, as you can find the bundle of long-tail keywords that can help you to write a useful and relevant article or blog that can rank well. 

Read our Blog: Benefits of consistent content marketing

While keyword research we use a mixture of high-volume long and short tail keywords that will collectively boost your website’s online presence.

  • 3) Crowdsourcing Keywords:

Crowdsourcing is the process of finding out what people are talking about. It is a good way to discover new content marketing ideas or identify new keyword opportunities that you haven’t considered before. 

No matter what your niche is, there’s likely a community that is talking about it. Knowing what these people are talking about is the biggest opportunity for discovering targeted keywords and content ideas. 

  • 4) Trending keywords:

Identifying keywords which are gaining popularity can be an immense help in your keyword strategy. That means you should be looking for keyword phrases with high volume that are gaining popularity. 

When we’re using a keyword research tool, the volume of a keyword is based on the average number of searches over a specific period of time. 

In our keyword research, we mostly prefer keywords that just start to rise in popularity before they get competitive, this can help us to gain lots of traction.  

  • 5) Intent match keywords:

Google ranks content for relevance. Your content will only rank for keywords when they match the user’s intent. Users’ intent is one of the crucial factors in the ability to rank well on search engines. 

Key factor:

The best way to find users’ intent for keywords, is to simply enter that keyword into a search engine yourself, and see what types of results come up. 

We use keyword phrases that fulfill users’ intent and help in finding opportunities that can potentially convert users into buyers. 

  • 6) Search Autocomplete:

When we start typing something into a search engine, we observe that it offers a complete list of suggestions based on what we’re searching for. This is called autocomplete

Autocomplete search is one of the brilliant ways to find new keywords. Your first opportunity comes from autocomplete. It can be gathered from multiple websites beyond Google too. 

Benefits of Keyword research:

Conducting keyword research has several benefits, the most common reasons being:

  • The better-targeted keywords you choose for the content you publish, the more traffic you’ll attract to your site, and the higher you would rank on search engine results. 
  • By researching keywords by their search volume, popularity, and general intent, you can handle the queries the people in your audience want the answer to. 

In this way, you can meet their needs and provide them with CTA, which leads them on a buyer journey from the awareness stage to the purchase point. 

  • Effective keyword research provides you with the experience of current marketing trends and assists you to surround your content with relevant keywords and topics your audience is in search for. 
  • Keyword research tells which topic people care about more, and how popular these topics are among your audience. By finding out keywords that get a high volume of searches per month, you can identify and sort your content into topics you want to write content for on. 

Why Softvira is different?

At Softvira, we create an SEO keyword research strategy that is based on connecting customers at each stage of the customer’s journey. Our 360 approach to keyword research enables you to come up with content that fills in profitable content gaps and produces more leads with high sales intent. 

We approach search query analysis differently. We perform keyword research in a way that is also the most effective to boost a site’s rank and drive traffic to it. Our team of SEO experts has access to industry-leading, and proprietary tools which enable them to customize keyword research according to their industry niche and requirements, plus what customers are looking for. 

Things to avoid in Keywords research:

No doubt keyword research is one of the fundamental SEO activities. Brands that understand how to conduct keyword research are always a step ahead. But keyword research isn’t always easy. 

Let’s look into a few keyword research mistakes which we might be making: 

  • Ignoring search intent’
  • Aiming for one keyword per content
  • Targeting keywords that are all the same difficulty
  • Pushing exact match keywords
  • Targeting high-vol keywords only
  • Focusing on those keywords that aren’t relevant to your customers.
  • Not paying attention to keyword localization

Why is keyword research the core process of SEO? And why is it important?

Targeting the right keywords with effective search needs to be an integral part – and one of the first steps – of defining your SEO goals. 

Keyword research provides valuable insights into the questions, solutions, and problems your potential customers are looking for. This analysis should be the base of your SEO efforts, helping inform your content and organic strategies. 

Our aim in ranking on search engines is to produce organic traffic to your site from the SERPs, and the keywords we targeted will choose what kind of traffic we get. 

By choosing and researching the most suitable and relevant targeted keywords, you create the opportunity to rank high in search engines for that specific topic. In short, creating unique and relevant content and core pages on your site helps by increasing the authority search engines discern your site to have over the topic and keyword theme. 

This might be helpful: Steps to create quality content for your inbound marketing. 

Prominent visibility in search engines is critical to creating readability and confidence with your customers. Knowing the exact search intent behind the keywords your target audience is using is crucial to understand to find the opportunities that can convert your potential visitors into customers. 

Must read: How SEO friendly content helps in SEO of your website. 

Start ranking. Drive traffic. Increase revenue.

Get your site optimized and converting now with Softvira’s SEO services.

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